Tips for self love

Love can suck real hard, and i do not mean the D.

Trust me when I say that time does heal everything. I’ve been there myself and I thought I’d never love again. The shock moment, where the love of my life broke up with me ( over the phone-touché) and the walls came crashing down. As you can see I’m still here and, oh wonder, I feel fine.


I did that the very next day when I realized I would never see him again and went into full rage mode. He had loved long hair and in order to please him, I had let my hair grow long again. The second the hairdresser chopped everything off, I immediately died on the inside. It had taken good two years of my life to get a decent length and had loved how feminine I came across. From over the shoulder to brutally  rocking a Cleopatra asymmetrical bob. It was a great hairstyle. It was different. But that wasn’t the true reason I did it. I didn’t do it because I wanted to or felt overly inspired by short hairstyles. Basically, I wanted to give my ex the finger. A big and loud ‘fuck you.’. Till now I’ve regretted that one decision which I made out of an impulse- a decision that was fueled by the feeling of betrayal and anger. So, if your sweetheart breaks up with you, please give yourself time and do not rush to the hairdressers to make a groundbreaking change. 9 out of 10, you’ll cry after wards. And you’ve been crying a lot anyway.

     2. Treat yo self.When I’m depressed or sad, I end up buying pizza via takeaway or do some online shopping. ( Regardless if I should or should not-bad habit, I srsly DO NOT RECOMMEND). Treat yourself. If your heart is aching, a new handbag or lipstick or whatever YOU are into, can soothe the pain. Plus, you have something to look forward to the next couple of days. Or weeks if you can’t have express shipping. Being happy about receiving gifts (technically they are-from you to yourself), can really take your mind of your ex.

    3. Let all the feelings out.

I had a really hard time in doing so and it nearly tore me completely to pieces. It shredded my heart and my mind. I was trying so hard not to cry and not being sappy, that it just made me feel worse. Friends noticed that I was partying way way way too hard and drinking huge quantities of alcoholic beverages. While I was violently trying to keep up the image of a strong and independent woman, I let myself slip into a much more dangerous zone. The self destructive button had been pressed numerous times. And all those bottled up feelings would literally hurl out of me after a night out drinking. I was the loneliest and saddest person on the entire planet, sobbing over the toilet, saying goodbye to my mascara and to the content of my stomach.  If you feel bad, be honest to yourself and let all the tears and feelings out. Talk to friends and do not force yourself to party or to go out. I promise you, you will heal faster and better.

4. Do not force yourself to have one night stands.

Some peeps just roll that way, they have someone new right after they break up and see it as a way to get their self-esteem back. However- if you just want to have sex because you feel like it, go ahead. But don’t make it dependent on your self worth. The only person that can make you feel loved and appreciated right from the start, is you. Learn to love yourself again and give yourself all the attention you need. Only then can you fully enjoy having sex with someone new.  Learn how to be a confident single lady from time to time. There are tons of reasons why being single is great!

-you have your bed all for yourself,

-you can eat what you want

-you can watch what you want

-you can go out and do what you want.

Tbh i cannot stand women who define themselves through a relationship ( same goes for anybody who does that shit).

If you can’t love yourself, how can anybody else? – ( Amen Rupaul, Amen.)

5. It isn’t just your fault, that the relationship didn’t last.

Another great tip that helped me got over my past relationship. We had our troubles and I won’t go into detail, but I started to think it was my fault it wasn’t working out. Clearly, a relationship consists of flipping two people and both of you have to work together.

And if your partner is not interested in tackling the problems as a team, dump him. He is a waste of your time and obviously that person is not as emotionally involved as you are. We all have our flaws and we all make mistakes, but I’m pretty sure that in a lot of broken relationships, both sides have failed here and there.

My motto is: If it’s meant to be, everything will work itself out.

If it doesn’t -you can say ‘ hey at least I tried, gave it my best shot’. Please, for heavens sake, do not succumb into the dark hole called self pity. The blame is never only on you ( cheating doesn’t count ofc).

Hope these little tips will help you to get over your ex. Chin up and sail strong!


Charlie xoxo

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