Top 5 things, which annoy me.

I’m officially in rant mode, so ya’ll just have to suck it up, rejoice with me or step back and leave as quickly as possible. I rant a lot. And often. I tend to pick out my favorite individuals and just send them endless text messages about why I am annoyed or why I feel like I am going to explode on the inside. If you can recognize yourself within these posts: congrats-you belong to the people that annoy the living fuck out of me. No harsh feelings, but we’re probably not besties anyway. Or friends at all. Maybe mere acqaintances.

IF YOU ARE NICE TO ME-I’ll be nice to you and I really do not care what you wear or how you look like. These are just things that annoy me personally when it comes to humans which have treated me unkindly or brushed me off. Aka we don’t get along in the first place or we’ve simply haven’t had the best experiences together. Some peeps have gotten the wrong idea of me and this post-it should be witty, comical and not hateful or judgemental.  It’s as simple as that.

  1. Bad eyebrows/thin eyebrows/smeared eyebrows


For real. It’s one of my pet peeves. I know it’s super unimportant and shouldn’t be a factor but if I talk to someone, I automatically look at their eyebrows too! You could have the most wonderful and prettiest face in the  world, but if you have shitty eyebrows I just cringe. It ruins so much. People who know me, will absolutely sense my disliking towards a woman if I say ” her eyebrows though.”. If I comment in that area, you have basically lost. We’ve all made mistakes in that area, I’ve had them waaaay to thin, but to go and get your brows done by a professional ( or a friend who knows what they are doing), can step up your game! ( I do not care if one of my friends have bushy eyebrows, untamed whatevs. If you’re my friend, we good. And if you ask me to do your brows/hair I’m in. This pet peeve is for people I cannot stand from the beginning. The eyebrows just tip me over)

2. The group of girlfriends that all wear the same red lipstick but it doesn’t suit them at all


I know that not everyone is as enthusiastic when it comes to makeup and lipsticks as I am, and it’s perfectly fine. However, as I think it’s important to know what suits you and what doesn’t, I tend to be very harsh towards this topic. What gets to me, is the attitude: ‘ oh, we’re having a girls night out, i need to wear red lipstick, because it’s a special event and i have no idea, if this looks good or not so-i’ll-just-fucking-smear-it-across-my-entire-face.’. Plus the whole group seems like they’ve used the same shade,same lipstick. Don’t get me wrong-red lipstick can look classy and feminine. Not so much, if the shade is a more orange tone, when you have a warm skin color. Or you simply chose the lipstick, disregarding if it’s up your ally when it comes down to the outfit or your style. I personally adore cool reds that tend to be more of a subtle purple or a deep burgundy red.


If you really want to wear a red lipstick please please please make sure it compliments your skin color and you apply it accurately and with precision. Otherwise you look like a hot mess.. Don’t be afraid to invest in quality lipstick or to get some advice. It took me quite a while to find my colors and to perfect everything else.

3. the group of girls that look like clones.


It’s like they’ve mashed themselves together and you can’t tell who’s who. I was at a party with a dear friend of mine and there were a bunch of girls we didn’t know. And I couldn’t tell them a part either. They all had long brown or blonde hair, the blondes wore white knitted boho crop tops and light blue jeans with ankle boots. The brunettes wore ( i shit you not) the same but in a dark blue/black version. And I’m talking about an enourmous group that consisted of 15+ young women. I was literally, the only one with piercings, grey hair and wearing a cap. I sure noticed the weary side looks and snitchy remarks. I couldn’t care less what you wear, as long as you are a decent human being. But being nasty to  anybody who appears different is lame. And 9/10 it’s the group of girls who look all the same, which give you the eye.

With this I just want to make the statement, that I personally made negative experiences in groups that tend to be very homogenous. No matter what scene or lifestyle you come from. Wear what you want, and what makes you happy.

4. People who are mean, because they are insecure.


This one is a biggie. We all have our history and weight to carry around, but that is no excuse to behave like a total arse. I’m pretty shy when it comes to new groups, new people and many assume I’m arrogantwhen I don’t talk as much. Plus when I go out, I go out. Which means-perfect makeup face.Simply due to the fact that I feel the most comfortable when I know I’m absolutely slaying. It gives me confidence. I am well aware, that I have the syndrome called ‘resting bitch face’ but please talk to me and you’ll see that I’m just a total geek. However, I’ve noticed in particular circles ( where I’ll prob never show up again) that I probably intimadated a specific person. This human didn’t like me having the unwavering attention of my then boyfriend and pretty much tried to exclude me from the group.The only conversation we had was about my purple hair (No I don’t dye them I have naturally purple hair)  or ‘ Do you overline your lips?’. She obviously had the hots for my ex and you know what, suck it the fuck up but don’t go around making others feel bad.


These people want to make you uncomfortable in the new clique and are just afraid that you will take their place. How about some selflove and respect towards other humans? That would be something

I also had to learn the hard way to accept myself and to love myself, but please give it a try and you won’t feel insecure about anyone that is new in your cirlce. Maybe you can even make new friends? Don’t shut anyone out!

5. People who judge in general.


People who judge others are narrow sighted, tiny humans who are probably extremely bored. If you have the time to gossip and to be all high and mighty-guess what? You need a productive hobby. There are so many things going on in the world that are more important than flipping Christine, who got laid by someone on the weekend. First off, it’s none of your business what Christine does in her free time. Secondly- Good for Christine that she got laid. Or who cares that Anne is in a new relationship after being single for bout 1 month? Who knows how bad or good her past relationship was and to be blunt- if she feels better that way-go for it, gurl. Don’t judge as it should be none of your concern because ‘surprise’ it doesn’t affect you.  Badmouthing and gossiping is just pure poison and can lead to unnecessary drama, which can end up reeeeeeeaaaal bad.  And then you are the person standing there alone, engulfed in negative karma.


That was a rather short but efficient list of what really bugs me. Of course sexist, racist and homo/transphobic people make my blood boil. My interactions with sexists are too long to be able to squeeze into this post. Thats a post for later. What are the things that annoy you? Feel free to comment!

Hope you all have a grand day 🙂

Chin up and sail strong

Charlie xoxo
